Friday, July 1, 2011

Richard LaCroix is scammingg people out of $

Watch out! Richard LaCroix is scamming people from DC , Atlanta & Savannah, (possibly Richmond now)  out of money. He pretends he is a "black ops" type government/CIA operative working with some mysterious mandate from the Government to protect stadiums & ports from Radiological & Nuclear attacks. He came into Savannah, hung out at every bar, acted like a big shot and drafted bar people into his web. He had Pat Schuster with him as a driver, supposedly a Nuclear Sub Commander. Richard himself claims to be Harvard Educated, Former Navy guy and now a Navy Admiral, a "particulate scientist" whatever that is and much more. He travels with women named Maria and her son and finds places to stay without paying, rather promising to pay with company check. He will give you something at the beginning of his stay then bullshit you- he is good!

He says he had to get out of town from his previous place because he has killed some really bad people (terrorist types) and the Government moved him in the middle of the night to protect him- he didn't even have time to get personal items---- You won't know how to read him. You think he is crazy enough to be what he claims and he may even believe it. He is a sociopath for sure. He skipped out on many hotel  bills. He left all his belongings saying he was coming back-junk when I opened them! He often hits the Salvation Army when he gets to town to re-load on all his family belongings cloths etc... He's a drinker! Usually drunk by 4:00pm. This is where he recruits his pawn to assemble a local team- he tries to keep everyone from talking to each other as he spins his web of deceit- he says "Government types in black suits will end up on your door step if you look up his back round....

For the small $, he promises people employment with Government benefits to people who have to pay for a back round check and a government badge-about $600-drinking money for him. He will ask to pay several time as he cannot remember who has paid him cash. He has these people running him  around town since he does not drive  while he acts like he's a big shot. He like to draft a young army type to shuffle him around- big guys in case anyone challenges him for being a Con.

I know people who have given him $25k, $50k, $4k, $9k, $2k plus others. He split on a dentist bill  in Savannah, a storage facility in Virginia and more...many things in Atlanta & DC.

This guy is very sophisticated. His name does not appear anywhere on documents. He says this is because  of his Government "revolving door" problem- its a croc! He can''t be traced because he is deep cover and if you trace him, special agents will show up on your doorstep!!!!

When you first meet him, he will be on the phone, going a mile a minute, using terms like
"stand down" captain, etc...He will say "hey , do you like the Patriots? Wanna talk with Charlie Sullivan, former owner of the Patriots? He will pout him on and say they are working on a big deal with the National Football league with a company he formed in Atlanta called MVP. Don't buy into it.
 Watch out for this guy. He is so entertaining, you let it go too long and get into his web. He also uses his wife's terminal illness to borrow money.

Watch out for his lawyers too. One in Chicago & one in NY.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Rick,
    Hope this blog gave you a heads up. I personally know about 15 people he scammed. Let me know about your experience- not sure how we can talk- any ideas?

  3. Richard R. Lacroix, 43, of 1536 N. Seminary Ave...
    Police report.January 15, 1998
    Richard R. Lacroix, 43, of 1536 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock, was picked up Tuesday on a warrant held by the Cook County Sheriff's Police for obstructing a court order.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Trust me - junior got me as well and used all of the above mentioned approaches. I knew in my soul he was full of it, but even though I think I'm smart enough not to get fooled - still got me. Just be aware - oh - and all of his credit cards will deny at the bars - should have been my first clue

  6. We met in 2015 in CT. Going by Richard Stinger. Took us awhile to connect to his alias of Richard LaCroix. This guy is a complete parasite.

  7. How do I get into contact with the site owner I need to discuss a potential encounter with these gentleman .
