Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Richard LaCroix-Signs you have run into this Con Man

1. Probably be in a bar. He greets every person on the street to see if there is an opening to read them as a mark/target.
2. He likes military folk for his current con because of their sense of patriotic duty. He will find your weak spot ----within minutes of talking with you- very quick study!
3. He may not ask for anything until a couple conversations or at meetings later. He plants seeds..
4. When he asks for money - it won't be that much. nothing to fret over. If you give it to him once, he knows he can come back for more. Small amounts add up.
5. The request will always be "urgent" ," imminent"- will give some excuse why he needs it and does not have it.
6. He always has a driver. He keeps them in the back round to look like a bodyguard. They are usually regular guys being promised something big and drive him around betting he will come through. He needs drivers to look important and he probably has more than a couple DUI's. I found some in Wilmington, NC where he lived in the 90's.
7. There will always be a big payoff or distribution "tomorrow". there will always be an excuse why it did not happen. He works the phones like a madman.
8. He will always name drop people he is associated with. These people will be credible people that either, 1 dropped out after a short time or 2. don't know he is still using their names to lend himself credibility.
9. His attorneys will be Harris & Reiben. Both have known him many years and have been associated with other deals- Reiben with Warco, Harris with the Commerce Club are just two.
10. His girlfriend Maria Kurowski will always need meds for her "terminal cancer".
11. Michael Kurowski will always be applying to the local college. Both he & his mom a really Grifters too.
12. Richard will always claim to be  a Harvard guy. Nantucket guy ...Boater etc....
13. He will have a large bar tab and no way to pay for it.
14. He will present an employment offer, benefits & possibly a bonus.
15. A closing, funding or distribution will be tomorrow & you will get money..tomorrow. Never today!


  1. You need to proof read everything you have written. Especially if you want someone important to take this seriously....

  2. I knew him in Houston early 1980s. Was OK with me. I let him use my office but that was within budget. Very pushy though. Never asked me for money.

  3. Barrie Stevens as above not anonymous
