Monday, February 20, 2012

Richard LaCroix , Richard Lacroi, stories scamms continue to be reported

Fortunately, people who know Richard Lacroix continue to find this blog and relate their stories of his stealing, his cons & scams since the 80's. The stories all have a common tread: He is an asswhole, he is brazen, he has no scruples whatsoever and people cannot believe he has not been "taken out" because he scammed so many people... here are some more reported Lacroix activities. If you have any info to add or confirm these stories, please call or write:  claims he is only a lawyer who does not get paid by Lacroix although every victim this blogger spoke to describes Reiben role.

1. His driver from Long Island in the 80's was promised to have his kids private school paid for. The driver removed his kids from public school.
2. Lacroix worked for American Investor's Note Paper company at 30 Rockefeller, NY, NY. he apparently made many enemies and ran out on big hotel bills in New Orleans while representing the company, tried to take over the company, and cause financial harm to principals. more info is need on this story.
3,Lacroix spent time in Omaha, Nebraska in the 80's running a call center. Need more info here too.

1 comment:

  1. No knowledge of any of this except he started American Investor Note Paper at 30 Rockefeller and it ended when the tax laws changed concerning tax shelters in January 1986 as I was told...…..Lori LaCroix
