Friday, December 23, 2011

Richard Denton, Boston Con Man's new alias.

This Con Man, drunk, low life, scammer is working Back Bay Boston Hard. He just went to court for defrauding the Omni Parker House Hotel. Is being evicted from his current residence for non payment of rent, has his Toyota Van (not in his name) impounded for no insurance, no registration .

He is working the hotels & taverns of Boston, using Richard Denton. He will be using a new alias soon as this is now public. He also plays the big company executive crap...He states he was CEO of Nabisco. He is using his alias, Richard Denton to con a company called Reputation Management Consultants. Check it out.


  1. Now going by Richard Williams

    1. Richard has been found and is currently being confronted in Columbus, Ohio! More details will be posted to the blog later. He is now going by Richard Lewis.
