Sunday, July 31, 2011

Richard Lacroix - CONVICT

We know he has done jail time in:


I am sure we will find more....

Richard Lacroix could be in Ashville, NC, Aiken, SC, ......

or possible in Tennessee. He was reported in Norfolk, Va. If he shows up in any bar there, he will be dealt with by some people on the look out.

Please report his sightings for now........

Keith Harris is in Chicago, Richard Reiben is in Geneva NY and Carl Imenhausen is in Minneapolis.

Richard LaCroix -Coming to your town soon...

If anyone sees This Con man, please report it to us or call the cops.

I am tracking down a warrant for him out of Illinois. It has come to our attention he did spend time in jail in Illinois too. Possibly in Cook or McHenry County. If you have any info about this outstanding warrant, please let us know...

The victim list continues to grow. 85 right now..We are getting close to taking action against him and his enablers. If  anyone has any helpful information in our case (I cannot go into specifics about our criminal case yet) against him & his attorneys, please contribute as soon as you can. Meetings are happening soon.

Many people have called because of this blog. Many have shared their stories. I have promised people I would keep their identities private. At some time  they will be needed to testify and have agreed. I so wish I could recount their stories and how they came to be victims.  If you knew what I have come to learn about this guy, you would understand how "bad" a person he really is. He cares not who he hurts, family, friends or the next person he encounters.

 I cannot relay these stories here because he and his attorneys would know who the victim is by the story....He is a true sociopath..only concerned with himself...He has been taking people for so long he knows no other out, he will use your name if it helps him look legitimate to his next mark...he leapfrogs his contacts....The depth of his parasitic behavior is only matched by his boundless energy to commit fraud.

Fair warning too...he has shown a propensity for some violence. When he was kicked out of a place he was staying without paying rent, he turned a knife on his landlord....All the Vietnam stuff is bunk. He's really a coward.. but now that he is on the run..he may be unpredictable.

We have an attorney reviewing our many documents right now. We hope this is ready for our meetings with the authorities in a week or two. The RICO laws actually may apply here, but we have other strategies in the works to expose him & his attorneys..We have asked them to explain themselves but have not heard anything from Harris or Reiben...stay tuned. I also want to correct a misprint. Reiben is the CEO of the Smith Center of the Arts in Geneva, NY. A friend of a friend is very connected there & is getting involved as well.

One again, add you stories, documents, accusations to our heap--we want as much as we can get on these guys..LaCroix, Reiben & Harris. Imenhausen will also be called to justify his actions...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Richard LaCroix- Conning his way through life

Good people! Why is Richard always on the phone- non-stop? Because he is scamming people in at least 5 states, keeping it fresh and asking to wire more money all the time.

Bar tab-- He will tell you his company is going to pay for his rather large bar tab--never happens-you get stuck with it- he has made a career of running up large tabs for someone else to pay- some have been in the several thousand $ amount.

Don't go pick him up at the bar when he calls to order you to come get him & then orders you to give him $200  because his Homeland Security guys are at the airport and he forgot his wallet or a company wire did not come....the lies are too numerous and varied to recount here...

There will always be an excuse as to why he didn't get his big transfer, money distribution, closing etc...
He will tell you for 60 days straight that you will be paid tomorrow........every day for 60 days people..this guy does not care what he says....

Richard Reiben, Kieth Harris & Richard LaCroix- Partners

Harris is in Chicago, Reiben is running (CEO) Smith Opera House, Smith Center for the Arts in Geneva , NY (upstate NY)- More on this later..

These guys have know this Con Man for many years. They have served as attorneys for his Companies.

ON companies they serve as council for never issue K-1s, accounting and even have a trust that does not file with the IRS. They receive money LaCroix raises  and never show where the money goes.

How much of the scammed money have they received?? The amount is large....I am still adding numbers up....

Eventually, these guys will need to explain themselves and why they have helped this guy on all his con jobs...

Richard LaCroix & his Fundraising Scamms

Richard LaCroix has posed as a Foundation Fundraiser in towns like Savanna, Boston, Washington, Chicago and who knows where else.

Basically, he will find a real cause or Foundation. He will tell you he has a program with big companies to match funds that are donated-- If you donate to his foundation, his big company will donate double to your foundation.......same con every city...

Help us figure out his next con---he is very nimble inventing cons-- he will read what you do and come up with a way to con you withing minutes.........

Richard LaCroix Homeland Security

Richard LaCroix is posing as a Homeland Security Operative, with a mandate from the Government to protect us all from Terrorists passing nuclear & radiological "dirty" bombs in the US..

This is a major Con Job- He appeals to all us patriots who would love to protect the country & make money--why not. He finds credible people,  offers them executive positions in MVP or CETO or whatever company he has going at the time, signed employment agreements and membership i the "too good to be true company".  This is all bogus. While he scams everyone he has ever come in contact with, you would google him and find nothing--this perpetuates his "under cover" persona, his "revolving door conflict" with the Govt etc.....You would find these credible people he posts into positions and think he is legit!!! Don't be fooled... these people usually step down , resign within a couple months once they see how he operates...He continues to use their  names as they still have their membership shares......they paid for...

Richard LaCroix- Fake ID- Trying to look official

Richard LaCroix flashed badges around and claims to be working for Homeland Security---

Monday, July 25, 2011

Richard LaCroix, Norfolk, Va

Norfolk people beware. Richard is reported to be running his scam in your area. His girlfriend son , Michael Kurowski is monitoring this blog for him.....Please report anything from Norfolk.

Richard LaCroix Victims List

The list is now up to 80 people who have been scammed by Richard R LaCroix. This is a list of people mainly in the last two years. We know he has been scamming for close to 25 years so there are throngs of victims that are out there that just don't know that we are exposing this Scum Bag or are afraid to come forward...don't be. The amount he has scammed ranges from $200 -$150k. No need to be embarrassed. He even scammed the Harvard Club of NY claiming to be a Harvard Grad. As reported before- he may have attended some night classes.

Some Illinois Cases against LACroix -one has $150k Judgement-never pid a penny

Illinois Case

Friday, July 22, 2011

If you see this man- Call the Police. he is scamming your area.

Towns that we know he has scammed: Boston, Atlanta, NYC, Wilmington, DE, Savannah, ga, Norfolk, VA, Rcihmond, VA, Washington DC, 

Richard LaCroix, Central Intelligence Agency, CIA

NOT! This guy is so full of it- Do not believe anything he says. Please report if you see him. He knows nothing else but to scam...he is non stop and will take you for $100 so he can drink more-- BY 4:00 every day he is in some bar drunk......Scamming the patrons, the bar owner with his grandiose stories...He really needs to be the "big shot" and cannot help himself from scamming- he has made a good living, lived in fancy houses & hotels as he spend everything he scams....he is addicted to the Con....he does make mistakes attention .. you will see.

He never counted on being this exposed--The Internet has finally caught up to this Con Man.

Call me if you are a victim 912-596-1506

Richard LaCroix Military backround, Vietnam, Navy-Not!

We are unable to find any service records for this guy. He is a Con. He claims the following:

Admiral in the Navy
Pilot for Air America/CIA during Vietnam- (war was basically over by his time- born 1954)
Special Forces
Navy Seals
Homeland Security (take a close look at the badges he flashes)
Claims he is in witness protection..

This guy is a sociopath, liar, con man.., trust me...

Richard LaCroix Victims are coming out of the woodwork

We are getting emails, calls etc from victims far & wide. There are so many stories it is really unbelievable: The most common comment is how brazen this guy is. He does not care who, where when or how he gets into your pocket. He is always on....he will use your name as a reference to a banker, lawyer, friend,  etc... to make himself look credible. He leap frogs from person to person using anything he can to get your trust...

He uses things like Harvard to make himself look good. Best we can tell is he went to night school at Harvard but never graduated. He also scammed the Harvard Club of NY.

Nothing is in his name. People have big judgements against him. $150k in one case in Illinois. They never collected a penny. He uses people to send wires to Western Union in other peoples names then put cash on a credit card that can be out for this..

He also puts real people in positions with his scam companies. He gives really nice employment contracts that never get executed. When people can't find Lacroix when they google him, they do find these good people he has appointed to his companies--they are always changing because they resign as soon as they see what is going on. They usually leave the shares in place that they pay for on the outside chance something will come about---LaCroix uses their good names even after they resign. Watch out for this guy-he is really unbelievable. Also watch out for Michael Kuwolski  and his mother Mary or Maria...they are with him.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Join Mailing list to Lacroix's victims

People, I have sent an email to aprox 50 victims of Richard Lacroix and his helpers. People are sending me info as to how much they gave Lacroix, how the money was given, what it was for, i.e membership % in a company, backround check, security badge, training related expenses etc...we need your help . The authorities are looking into this but we need more people to make the Case to prosecute these Grifters..His girlfriend Mary Kuwolski and here son Michael are also involved- If you ever wondered how Richard knew those little things about you...Michael is his computer source--he always claims to be enrolling in school...sure you have hear that one before. He gives Richard just enough to pretend he has real connections in DC..

Email me at I will only give your info to authorities. This is a grassroots effort to stop a Con Man. He has been very smart by staying under the radar -Chances of you ever getting any money back is remote. At least we can stop him from hurting others....Don't be embarrassed, scared or too busy to respond...we will follow the money and get him.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Need people to file their complaints

People following this blog. We need to file complaints agains LaCroix and possibly  Reiben & Harris. I have ask Rich Reiben to produce the documents he has, proving there was a binding agreement for MVP with Turner  Broadcasting. If he cannot, all the shareholders of MVP, Ceto etc.. will have take action. More on this later. I am waiting for his response. Our "Sunshine" blog is open for him to respond right here if he wishes to.

Picture of Richard LaCroix , the Con Artist

Richard Reiben, Attorney & Richard LaCroix, Kieth Harris

This trio has been together a long time. Since we know Richard LaCroix has been scamming people for 25 years now.  I think LaCroix has scammed about $500,000 in the year I have known him. His lawyers are shareholders and party to the letters that go out making it look like there is a  big agreement with companies like Turner Broadcasting, Goldman, Great Dane , Graham Capital etc... they make it seem like just a formallity to get it signed.. Reiben & Harris need to account for their actions. I have documents where Reiben is creditied for stating a deal with Turner  has been reached and that he was a party to the negotiations. Turner found that LaCroix was dirty and filed a cease & desist order as well as a restraing order against LaCroix.  I challenge Reiben or Harris to explain why they are helping Lacroix scam people. What are they getting for it. Reiben was also partners with LaCroix in the company called WARCO in Garden City NY.

More Richard LaCroix criminal record in Illionis


Monday, July 18, 2011

The Con by Richard LaCroix

I am willing to bet, LaCroix has sold way more than 100% of the shares of MVP & CETO. Basically, when he sees you are interested, he will say that Goldman Sachs, Turner Broadcasting, JP Morgan etc are in the final negotiations and a signature agreement is imminent- like in the next 24 hours. He will follow up with letters from Kieth Harris or Richard Reiben attesting to the fact that an agreement is very close and not to disclose anything about it......they take your money and ......Interestingly, Richard Reiben & Keith Harris are the attorneys that always follow up and make everything look legit...they have been with LaCroix a long time and are also partners in the companies . Harris was the registered agent on the Commerce Club scam in Chicago, Reieben was in Garden City, NY with LAcroix in the "Warco" Scam days tell me if you think they are involved???? I think they have a  lot of explaining to do.

Richard Lacroix Con Artist Photo

Richard LaCroix Criminal Record NY Case # 3499109310 for Forgery & 2nd degree theft

Richard LaCroix did 2 stints in Rickers Island prison. His state of NY criminal ID # is 06870553K. His case number is 3499109310. He went in the first time on 8/9/90 and was released the next day. He went in again 0n 4/13/91 & got out 9/28/91. He went in for Forgery & 2nd degree theft.

NY ID number: 06870553K and Case # 3499109310.

You can call Rickers Legal dept for a copy- 718546-0950

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Richard LaCroix Con Artist

Remember, I am posting things about this guy that will be familiar to all his marks. His antics are the same in everytown he appears: This is so you will recognize the con:

Example: LaCroix saw a money guy in Savannah. He was hitting him up to find investors for Ceto, LLC. He told the guy he would need a backround check & a security badge. The guy answered, that;s fine but I will never pay for that. he never heard from LaCroix again.

Example: He will try to sell you shares to one of his companies. He will always say it is urgent, someone just got sick and is passing on their right to buy more shares at the founder have 6 hours to buy them...You will get a letter from Reiben or Harris staing you are a % owner..all bullshit!

He will offer you a job. Again, you will have to pay for your badge & security he may also ask for $1000 for training and airline tickets to the training facility. He will also say the company will reimburse you when you get there....there is no there!

Richard LaCroix , Eviction, Bankrupcy etc..

Here is Richard again in the courts:


Richard R LaCroix , Alias Richard M LaCroix

Here are some of the criminal records for Richard R LaCroix and his aliases.


Richard LaCroix - Con Artist

do not open bamk accounts for this guy. In Savannah, he opened an account for CETO, LLC. Any money put into tht account was used by him. He makes you an officer of the company, makes you the signer for the account. he suses these account for seveeral reasons- 1. his name does not appear on any documents, 2. he can have people he is scamming wrire money into a business account that looks legit, he will write have you write checks to him or he will have you write checks to other people that wil give him cash tinking the check is good.

Watch out for his Charity events. This is just away for him to scamm again.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Richard LaCroix's Criminal record

There are 47 pages. The arrests with his birthdate 4/28/54 like Palm Beach Cocaine is definetley him. There are many more like bad check scamms etc where he may have told the wrong birthdate, age etc... this is an old trick whenm you are a con man:

Here is the link:


Friday, July 15, 2011

Richard Roi LaCroix has many aliases

Richard Roi LaCroix born 4/28/54

Aliases: Richard Lacroiy

He was convited of cocaine possession in Palm Beach--Documents coming!

Has many aliases- Documents coming.

Richard R LaCroix & United Bank of Kuwait

There may have been a big scam with this bank. I am looking for additional info on this.

Richard R. LaCroix

Richard worked in the 80's for Americgroup doing tax shelter stuff. When the tax shelter laws changed he left that.

He worked with Group W in Stamford Ct before he spent all the money he raised for production work-- Group W closed him down.

There may be judgements against him from his ex wives. Help here too!

Richard Roi LaCroix 's Victims are coming out of the woodwork

This guy is a 1st class bum. He does not care who he takes as long as he can act like a big shot. Join my blog so that you will be automatically notified of new posts.

The stories about this guy are unbelievable. He has scammed family, children, wives., wives families, father's friends ....he has been doing it for over 30 years.

I am looking for a credit card scam he was doing in New Jersey in the 80's. Any help would be great.

His real name is Richard Roi LaCroix. He was born in 1954. I will post his birthday soon

Richard LaCroix & Richard Reiben - Warco

Check out the following:

More on Charles Sullivan, friend of Richard LaCroix

Check out the link:

State Illinois CAse against LaCroix

Richardcroix Op

Tiger Cube by Multi Venue Protection

Richard LaCroix claimed he has a deal with stadiums in the NFL and a deal with the NFL to beta test his Tiger Cube Radiological/Nuclear detection system. Ask for a copy of his contacts , copy of the agreement etc...They don't exist. he claims he is a Nuclear Particulate Scientist---laughable.

He will tell you that he can get all the revenue from the Tiger Cube kiosks from the advertising that will be on them--think about that! as anyone ever read how protective of the advertising revenue s are by the big guys-----?

I assume if Richard reads any of this, he will have to change his tactics-- he is very good, very nimble, has nothing in his name, one of the best Con Artist you will ever meet. He has been doing it for  a long time.

His girlfriend Mary Kurowski  and her son Michael are in it with him. Watch out for Michael - he knows computers and should not have your info.

Richard LaCroix , Vietnam Veteren- NO Way!

Rcihard will tell you he was in the Navy. Latley he has been claiming to be an Admiral. He aslo referrs to Pat Shuster as "Commander", because he supposedly was on a nucleare submarine... Anyway, Richard 's will tell you he was deep in Cambodia & Laos doing trhe "Secret War" stuff and was a real bad dude doing the Government's dirty work---All lies. he was born in 1954. The draft was  basically over by the time he would have been enlisted.

Other claims by Roichard LaCroix:

1. he was a navy seal
2. Is now claiming to be with HomeLAnd Security (HSA) He like throwing around Govt acrynoms.
3. Pilot in Vietman's Secret War.
4. Has White House Access...

OH, watch how he flinches and goes into a defensive stance if a load noise occures. He will look at you and say " see , I can't leave it, my body still remembers the bad days" See those reflexes... Total Bullshit and very entertaining.

His family hates this guy.  Altough he has scammed his own mother, she still stands by him...Motherly love has no bounds. He left her in a wheel chair in Atlanta  and told his family he moved to Oregon--he was in Atlanta. Every Thanksgiving & Christmas he will call his mom and say I am sending you money to have a really nice holiday... never sends a thing.... It gets even worse..

He uses his dad's great acomplishemnts as a lawyer , Shrinner etc...By using his dad's name and rank with the Shrinners, he scammed other Shrinner of big money. Shrinner's believed he was a good son because his dad was a really good guy.

He sell's shares to his companies while he tells you a big Insurance company, or Turner broadcasting or Goldman Sach , or Markel Corp etc... is buying in big! All a croc. Ask him for a prototype of the Tiger Cube..

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Richard Ray LaCroix or Richard Michael LaCroix

Richard M LaCroix, Boston, Savannah, Atlanta, Boston, Washington DC, Richmond

Richard's main scam right now is selling employment--in these hard times, he promises people jobs with his new company ( there is no real company) . He promises you a big title , salary of $120k, benefits. Then he asks for $600 for a background check, Money for a security badge.

He also goes by Richard R. LaCroix just to throw people off.

LaCroix might be wanted in Massachusetts, Florida, Georgia & Illinois if anyone knows anything about. He was born in 1957. Grew up in Springfield, Massachusetts. He did attend Wilberham Academy but turned bad soon after.

His first scam was a Solar company when he was in his twenties. he raised a lot of money and spent it all-never produced a thing! This has been his con ever since. He sell ideas, never anything real.

I am looking into why he may have spent 1 year in prison on Rickers Island. Any info here would be helpful.

Richard M. Lacroix Con Artist

Please excuse spelling & grammatical errors--writing fast here.

People have been calling in their stories about their meetings with Richard LaCroix, letters from Reiban & Harris, big deals with big companies. Understandably, people are reluctant to post their own stories because 1. they are not sure who is in the scam with Richard as so many people are being introduced and met with and 2. they are not sure if Richards "black ops" training and "killing training" is putting their families is danger.

First, if I see him, I will test his fighting ability. Also, people were unable to Google or find anything on Richard M. LaCroix when they smelled something was amis. Also, Richard has threatened people with "don't even try to look me up, if you do, 3 men in dark suites will appear at your door...-I assure you, this guy is a powder puff.

So Richard is scamming Richmond Va, right now. People are giving him money. Like Savannah, he shows up, go to a Realty Office and says he want s to buy a farm, a house  etc.. and that his company is bring in 40- 50 people who will all need houses to buy and rent...and he want to work with just one real Estate person. (In Atlanta he used the Hawthorne Suites promising room sale instead) He then meets people from his first contacts in Real Estate and at whatever pub he favors. He offer employment contract for people- usually $120 k per year, government benefits and for some a signing bonus. I know of about 15 employment contracts already signed. He usually gives you a nice sounding position.

He brings people into town for meetings and makes sure no one talks between themselves. He tells everyone grandiose lies about the people he brings in---money, ex spooks, etc... and if you all discuss things you will be in breech and 3 guys in dark suites will appear at your door..

In order to raise money, Richard Reiban & Kieth Harris send documents confirming  the shares you have bought, acknowledge payment for security badges, Security back round checks etc...this is all bull- he uses the little money to drink with while going for the bigger money from his other marks.

There are always unexpected turns of events when the big deal that was suppose to close that day , did not happen. Brown recluse spider bite, hospital visits, dental emergency, Maria- his lady friend's downhill slide with terminal illness, his fathers heat attack etc...

He also uses western Union to have people forward emergency funds...

When you meet him at he bar, he will ask what you do. If you were in the Military, he will say I flew for the "other airline" in the Navy--you know the one that was supposed to be private...Air America. he says he was yanked out of Harvard  and put in the cockpit --inferring he was CIA operative....don't fall for it.

The web of people is getting larger. He is still using the MVP deal that Charles W Sullivan is negotiating with the NFL. My contact say this is bogus so if anyone else can weigh in , please do..

Several people have expressed an interest in stopping him. Calling the US Attorney or Police , IRS, FBI has been discussed.

Please make sure people follow the blog...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

More on Richard R. LaCroix , alias Richard M Lacroix

Stay tuned everyone-- there is much more info coming about Richard Lacroix and his con game. He likes to use big company names that he says " we are in the final negotiation to sign a big deal" Turner Broadcasting, Markel Corp, NFL, Goldman Sachs are just a few companies he says is backing him- Then he uses excuses "technical issues" as to why he never gets the deal done---His lawyers and officers of MVP & Ceto always send out letters making it seem like a deal with a big company is out for his attorneys---they must know what a Con he is and they have been pushing his paper for many years....Once I have more on them I will publish their names too.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Richard M. LaCroix

 He also claims to have a deal with the NFL--IN his business plan for MVP, which he uses to raise money from investors, he claims (page 5) that he has an agreement with the NFL to start a beta installation. He is lying and commiting fraud. - I have checked with top security people, they never heard of him and would not work the way he claims anyway....

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Richard M. La Croix, Picture of a Con Man

Richard M. La Croix , Illinois Case no. 0500028

Ricard M. La Croix Case no. 0500028. Follow this link to the official Sate of Illinois Securities Agency filing against Richard M. La Croix. Notice his agent is Richard Reiben...

This was a scam he was using in Chicago. It was called trhe Commerce CLub. He took investors money for his own use.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

MVP (Multi Venue Protection) & Ceto, LLC Are scams

Watch out for these two companies. Richard Lacroix & his lawyers  have investors send money to these accounts and they take the money for who knows what- personal I think.

LaCroix  and his attorneys were involved with a  Commerce Club, a Dinner Club scam in Chicago. It is public record that they were sued for taking investor money for their own use. The State case against them stopped them from the scam. The respondents in the state of Illinois case against them were:

R M. LACroix
2101 S Meachem
Palatime, Il 60067-7459

R.L. Richards
675 Third Ave
NY, NY 10017

Friday, July 1, 2011

Richard LaCroix is scammingg people out of $

Watch out! Richard LaCroix is scamming people from DC , Atlanta & Savannah, (possibly Richmond now)  out of money. He pretends he is a "black ops" type government/CIA operative working with some mysterious mandate from the Government to protect stadiums & ports from Radiological & Nuclear attacks. He came into Savannah, hung out at every bar, acted like a big shot and drafted bar people into his web. He had Pat Schuster with him as a driver, supposedly a Nuclear Sub Commander. Richard himself claims to be Harvard Educated, Former Navy guy and now a Navy Admiral, a "particulate scientist" whatever that is and much more. He travels with women named Maria and her son and finds places to stay without paying, rather promising to pay with company check. He will give you something at the beginning of his stay then bullshit you- he is good!

He says he had to get out of town from his previous place because he has killed some really bad people (terrorist types) and the Government moved him in the middle of the night to protect him- he didn't even have time to get personal items---- You won't know how to read him. You think he is crazy enough to be what he claims and he may even believe it. He is a sociopath for sure. He skipped out on many hotel  bills. He left all his belongings saying he was coming back-junk when I opened them! He often hits the Salvation Army when he gets to town to re-load on all his family belongings cloths etc... He's a drinker! Usually drunk by 4:00pm. This is where he recruits his pawn to assemble a local team- he tries to keep everyone from talking to each other as he spins his web of deceit- he says "Government types in black suits will end up on your door step if you look up his back round....

For the small $, he promises people employment with Government benefits to people who have to pay for a back round check and a government badge-about $600-drinking money for him. He will ask to pay several time as he cannot remember who has paid him cash. He has these people running him  around town since he does not drive  while he acts like he's a big shot. He like to draft a young army type to shuffle him around- big guys in case anyone challenges him for being a Con.

I know people who have given him $25k, $50k, $4k, $9k, $2k plus others. He split on a dentist bill  in Savannah, a storage facility in Virginia and more...many things in Atlanta & DC.

This guy is very sophisticated. His name does not appear anywhere on documents. He says this is because  of his Government "revolving door" problem- its a croc! He can''t be traced because he is deep cover and if you trace him, special agents will show up on your doorstep!!!!

When you first meet him, he will be on the phone, going a mile a minute, using terms like
"stand down" captain, etc...He will say "hey , do you like the Patriots? Wanna talk with Charlie Sullivan, former owner of the Patriots? He will pout him on and say they are working on a big deal with the National Football league with a company he formed in Atlanta called MVP. Don't buy into it.
 Watch out for this guy. He is so entertaining, you let it go too long and get into his web. He also uses his wife's terminal illness to borrow money.

Watch out for his lawyers too. One in Chicago & one in NY.