Sunday, July 17, 2011

Richard LaCroix Con Artist

Remember, I am posting things about this guy that will be familiar to all his marks. His antics are the same in everytown he appears: This is so you will recognize the con:

Example: LaCroix saw a money guy in Savannah. He was hitting him up to find investors for Ceto, LLC. He told the guy he would need a backround check & a security badge. The guy answered, that;s fine but I will never pay for that. he never heard from LaCroix again.

Example: He will try to sell you shares to one of his companies. He will always say it is urgent, someone just got sick and is passing on their right to buy more shares at the founder have 6 hours to buy them...You will get a letter from Reiben or Harris staing you are a % owner..all bullshit!

He will offer you a job. Again, you will have to pay for your badge & security he may also ask for $1000 for training and airline tickets to the training facility. He will also say the company will reimburse you when you get there....there is no there!

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