Sunday, July 31, 2011

Richard LaCroix -Coming to your town soon...

If anyone sees This Con man, please report it to us or call the cops.

I am tracking down a warrant for him out of Illinois. It has come to our attention he did spend time in jail in Illinois too. Possibly in Cook or McHenry County. If you have any info about this outstanding warrant, please let us know...

The victim list continues to grow. 85 right now..We are getting close to taking action against him and his enablers. If  anyone has any helpful information in our case (I cannot go into specifics about our criminal case yet) against him & his attorneys, please contribute as soon as you can. Meetings are happening soon.

Many people have called because of this blog. Many have shared their stories. I have promised people I would keep their identities private. At some time  they will be needed to testify and have agreed. I so wish I could recount their stories and how they came to be victims.  If you knew what I have come to learn about this guy, you would understand how "bad" a person he really is. He cares not who he hurts, family, friends or the next person he encounters.

 I cannot relay these stories here because he and his attorneys would know who the victim is by the story....He is a true sociopath..only concerned with himself...He has been taking people for so long he knows no other out, he will use your name if it helps him look legitimate to his next mark...he leapfrogs his contacts....The depth of his parasitic behavior is only matched by his boundless energy to commit fraud.

Fair warning too...he has shown a propensity for some violence. When he was kicked out of a place he was staying without paying rent, he turned a knife on his landlord....All the Vietnam stuff is bunk. He's really a coward.. but now that he is on the run..he may be unpredictable.

We have an attorney reviewing our many documents right now. We hope this is ready for our meetings with the authorities in a week or two. The RICO laws actually may apply here, but we have other strategies in the works to expose him & his attorneys..We have asked them to explain themselves but have not heard anything from Harris or Reiben...stay tuned. I also want to correct a misprint. Reiben is the CEO of the Smith Center of the Arts in Geneva, NY. A friend of a friend is very connected there & is getting involved as well.

One again, add you stories, documents, accusations to our heap--we want as much as we can get on these guys..LaCroix, Reiben & Harris. Imenhausen will also be called to justify his actions...


  1. This guy is sociopath for sure. I remember when he was evicted from nice home in Schaumburg. He stole 100k in limo services from friend of mine. I was lucky enough to grab his briefcase as collateral for payment. Info inside case was insane. Got my money and ran. He left wife and son high and dry.
